Find your way from tantrums to tranquility
Parent Coaching and Therapy for families with young children in Los Angeles and the South Bay.
Are you overwhelmed and exhausted by constant meltdowns?

Have you been walking on egg shells around your child trying to prevent ANOTHER melt down?
Are you feeling guilty about how you responded to your child’s behavior earlier?
You want to learn new tools to help your child (and yourself), but don’t know where to start.
What would it feel like to:
…be able to understand what is going on inside that little human’s mind and body…?
….to feel confident about how to respond to the hitting, screaming, and crying…?
…to enjoy more moments of mutual joy and connection with your kids?
I’ve spent the last 15+ years of my professional and personal life learning about child development, trauma, and infant and parent mental health and I want to share what I’ve learned with you!
I won’t promise perfection. Let’s be real… Life with toddlers and preschool age kids is the antithesis of “perfection” in EVERY way imaginable…
(…ask me when the last time my house or car was 100% free of crumbs and arts and crafts debris).
Parenting is tough, but it shouldn’t be a constant painful struggle that leaves you feeling hopeless and defeated. Let me help you find more moments of fun, peace and connection in your parenting journey.
Parent with insight and confidence
“What the **** is even happening right now?!?!” Found yourself thinking this (or screaming it) lately?
Understanding emotional and behavioral challenges is the key to responding with reason (versus reactivity). Let me guide you to the research and science informed solutions that contribute to growth, joy, and connection for your family.
Survive and Thrive
The reality is, sometimes we’re just trying to survive the day (or get through a dinner at a restaurant before a meltdown happens). But when it feels like you’re in survival mode 24/7, no one is thriving. I can give you and your child the tools that’ll help everyone in your family experience more calm, resilience, and joy.
Hi! I’m Nikki.
I help families understand child behavior and thrive within joyful relationships.
If you are:
Desperately wanting to learn new ways to deal with your toddler’s temper tantrums and hitting;
Parenting a young child with anxiety that is overwhelming for the whole family;
Parenting a child who has experienced trauma or major life change;
A foster or adoptive parent wanting support and guidance;
A new parent feeling overwhelmed by feelings of anxiety, depression, and isolation;
A parent struggling to connect and bond with their baby or young child.
A parent wondering when being a parent will feel as blissful as everyone told them it would be.
You’re not alone in these experiences.
And you’re in the right place!
Parent therapy focuses more on the past in order to help parents stay more rooted in the present moment.
Parent coaching focuses on the present and the future. helps parents navigate challenging current situations, build on their skills, and achieve their parenting goals.
You don’t have time for traffic! You barely have time to shower (maybe you didn’t have time…). I get it. You need to fit in a parent coaching session between meetings at work? I’ve got you.
I offer a LIMITED number of Concierge Packages ideal for families that need flexible and personalized care. This service provides you with the support and help needed in your own home, office, or any location you choose, whenever necessary, even on evenings and weekends. The benefits of this service include flexible scheduling and greater access to your therapist while you save time and maximize your privacy.
Parent Coaching services may be provided to caregivers in any state or country.
As a California licensed Clinical Social Worker, I am only able to provide therapy services to parents and children located in the state of California.
I typically provide Parent Coaching and Parent Therapy sessions online. Dyadic (child and parent together in session) Play Therapy sessions with the child must be provided are generally provided in-person. As with everything, the needs of your individual child and family will be considered in deciding what method of delivery may be most effective.
Your first session will be a 50-minute parent only session (even for child therapy services). We will review the paperwork you electronically signed and discuss my guiding principles. I’ll answer any lingering questions and orient you to the therapeutic process. We will discuss in detail your and/or your child and family’s strengths, interests, values, and challenges. We will also begin to discuss your goals and expectations.
No. Play therapy with children aged 0-5 is almost always dyadic, meaning the child and the parent participate in session together. I see you, the parent, as the agent of change. When you change the way you see your child, your child will change. By participating in dyadic play therapy sessions you will gain insight into your child’s experiences and learn new ways to support their social and emotional well being.
I am considered an Out of Network provider, and am not contracted with any insurance. Please contact your health insurance plan directly to see what mental health services they cover.
For your convenience, superbills can also be provided monthly if you choose to submit claims on your own.
If you do plan on using your insurance company for reimbursement, you may find the following 5-step guide helpful when contacting your insurance company:
1) Ask if they cover mental health services and/or coaching services.
2) Do I have a deductible? If so, what is it and have I met it?
3) Does my plan limit how many sessions per calendar year I can have? If so, what is the limit?
4) What is the coverage amount per therapy session?
5) Do I need written approval from my primary care physician in order for services to be covered?
I require you to contact me 48 hours prior to your appointment to cancel or reschedule your session. I will not call or send text reminders for appointments.
If you miss your appointment you will be required to pay the full cost of the session.
I recognize that professional psychotherapy and parent coaching are expensive investments. My fees are based on my level of experience and years toward my specialization with families with children aged 0-5.
I provide a limited number of reduced fees spots in my practice. If a reduced fee option is not available, or an acceptable fee cannot be arranged, you will be provided with resources and referrals to better support you.
Yes! Packages are available for parent coaching sessions and concierge services. Please refer to my pricing and packages page for more information on rates.
Wonderful! I can’t wait to meet you. Contact me here or give me a call directly at 213-538-2984.